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Vigoni Program

The VIGONI program funded by Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca and Ateneo Italo-Tedesco, and by Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD), is a bi-national cooperation program  among research groups belonging to German and Italian Universities. The aim is to create joint research activities and to establish a contact network. The research group of University of Florence coordinated by Prof. Pierini was involved in VIGONI program 2007-2009 together with the IAM Department of University of Stuttgart coordinated by Prof. M.Hanss. The main task of the joint activity was the application of fuzzy methods to FE crash simulation of motorcyclist protective devices. Thanks to the introduction of uncertainties in numerical modelling, the proposed research activity aims to develop a robust method for optimization and validation of protective devices according to EU safety standards.


Ateneo Italo-Tedesco ait.tridentum.com

IAM Stuttgart www.iam.uni-stuttgart.de

The cooperation with IAM within VIGONI program is recently finished (December 2009) but there is still an ongoing research activity which is carried out by the two group together. The research groups are still in contact and they are sharing their knowledge and research activity. The cooperation is dealing with the application of the Fuzzy Method to the simulation of an impact test for a motorcycle helmet according to the ECE22.05 standard. The results are promising and a paper journal is in its preparation phase.