Marilee Nugent
Senior Research Specialist
Name, Surname | Marilee Nugent |
Occupation | Senior Research Specialist |
Education | PhD in Kinesiology, Human Motor Control, McGill University, Montreal Canada BSc in Kinesiology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada BA in Art & Culture Studies, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada |
Biography | I am interested in how we learn and perform complex motor skills. In her PhD research she used belly dance to reveal control specificity in human spinal motion in skilled and untrained dancers. In an ongoing project to understand rider-motorcycle control interaction, I am working with the industrial engineers of MOVING Group at the University of Florence to develop methods of recording, evaluating and characterizing rider control of powered two-wheelers (PTWs: motorcycles and scooters with engine size 150cc and higher) and to understand the nature of the interaction between what the rider does (intentionally or unintentionally!) and how the vehicle responds. This new knowledge is important for understanding rider limitations and control strategies (or errors) in emergency, time-limited situations, for describing and modelling rider input-vehicle output, and for aiding in the design of onboard, intelligent safety systems that enhance safety. In the Horizon 2020 project SAFE-UP (June 2020 – May 2023) to address the safety of vulnerable road users in future mixed automated and conventional traffic, I am adapting Knowledge Translation principles and processes to the field road safety innovation. In this project, using this approach, I am addressing my scientific and social interests to find ways to move research results beyond academia to the public realm where it can most benefit the (road) users. This means engaging with future knowledge users such as vulnerable road user advocacy groups and road safety promoters and even individuals “in the street” to co-create new evidence-based knowledge from the research results of SAFE-UP that can be applied in the real world to improve safety. With outcomes from simulations of Future Safety-Critical Traffic Scenarios and prototypical active and passive safety systems, we will develop evidence-based training and awareness strategies for all road users to ensure the evolving safe integration of automated and connected vehicles into future traffic contexts. |
Link to personal CV pages | |
Research interests | Powered two-wheeler rider performance Rider-motorcycle control interaction Knowledge translation, training & awareness for road safety innovation Vulnerable road user safety |
Awards & Affiliations | Marie Skłodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher (ITN) Fellowship (Nov 2015 – Apr 2017), University of Florence. People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013/ under REA grant agreement No. 608092: MOTORIST Project. FQRNT Doctoral Research Scholarship Fonds Québécois de la recherche sur la nature et les technologies (May 2011 – Aug 2013). | | |
Tel. Number Mobile number |
+39 333 32 47 747 |