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Lorenzo Berzi

Senior Research Specialist

Name, Surname Lorenzo Berzi
Occupation Senior Research Specialist
Education PhD in Industrial Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence
MSc in Mechanical Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence
BSc in Mechanical Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence
Biography The main interests of Lorenzo Berzi are focused on sustainable development as a whole.

His studies deal with two main topics:
– Sustainable design for industrial product and processes, from the analysis of manufacturing impact, to  End-of-Life products recyclability (mainly vehicles and related systems)
– the design of electric road and off-road vehicles. His expertise includes modeling and simulation of powertrain system, vehicle dynamics assessment, driving simulator developments (especially for 2 wheels vehicles) and engineering of special application (e.g. vehicle retrofit; earth moving machinery etc.).
He worked within various National and European research projects.I principali interessi di ricerca di Lorenzo Berzi sono focalizzati sullo sviluppo sostenibile nel suo complesso.

Gli studi sono prevalentemente centrati su:
– Sviluppo sostenibile di prodotti e processi industriali, dall’analisi dell’impatto in fase di produzione fino alla riciclabilità in fase di fine-vita (prevalentemente per veicoli e sistemi correlati)
– Il progetto di veicoli elettrici stradali e non stradali. La attività includono la modellazione e simulazione di sistemi di propulsione, la dinamica del veicolo, lo sviluppo di simulatori di guida (specialmente per veicoli a due ruote) e lo studio di applicazioni speciali (retrofit di veicoli esistenti; macchine movimento terra etc.)
Ha preso parte a numerosi progetti di ricerca nazionali e internazionali.

Link to personal CV pages Linkedin


Research interests Sustainable product and process design
Electric vehicles
Vehicle driving simulators
Modeling and simulation of vehicles and industrial systems
Awards & Affiliations Marie Curie Fellowship award, 2012, as part of the EU-funded VECOM (Vehicle Concept Modeling)
Email lorenzo.berzi@unifi.it
Tel. Number
Mobile number
+39 055 27 58 698
+39 349 39 23 351