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Giovanni Savino

Associate Professor

Name, Surname Giovanni Savino
Occupation Associate Professor
Education PhD in Machine Design, University of Florence
MSc in Mechanical Engineering, University of Florence
Biography [ENG]

Dr. Giovanni Savino is a Mechanical Engineer with expertise  on road vehicle testing. In his early career, Dr. Savino took part in several EC funded projects with research streams in the field of track vehicle research: PISa, Mymosa, Saferider, and 2BeSafe projects.
In 2013 he was awarded a Marie Sklodowska Curie personal global Fellowship and moved to the Monash University in Melbourne, Australia where he became principal investigator of the ABRAM project, dealing with the investigation of the feasibility and safety potential of automated emergency braking applied to motorcycles.
Back to Italy in 2015, he was a member of the Cost Action Safe2Wheelers, with primary focus on the technological solutions for primary and secondary safety of motorcycles.
More recently, he was research leader of Work Package 1: Rider training, in the International Training Network project titled MOTORIST, Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions.
Currently Dr. Savino has been active in the EC project PIONEERS, with research activities dealing with the development of secondary safety technologies for motorcycles.
Dr. Savino was appointed Associate Professor at the University of Florence in May 2020 (ING-IND/14).


Giovanni Savino ha una formazione da ingegnere meccanico con specializzazione in prove sperimentali sui veicoli stradali. Dopo la laurea presso l’Università di Firenze ha maturato un’esperienza di ricerca internazionale lavorando come investigatore in numerosi progetti collaborativi a finanziamento europeo: PISa, Mymosa, Saferider, 2BeSafe. Dopo il conseguimento del dottorato, nel 2013 ha vinto una borsa di studio della Commissione Europea con il progetto ABRAM, che lo ha portato a svolgere la propria attività di ricerca presso la Monash University di Melbourne, Australia. Rientrato in Italia nel 2015 per il completamento di ABRAM, ha preso parte ad altri importanti progetti incentrati sullo sviluppo di sistemi di sicurezza per motocicli: Safe2Wheeler (COST Actions), MOTORIST (Marie Slodowska Curie Actions), e PIONEERS, per il quale ha avuto la responsabilità di un’importante sperimentazione con motocicli dotati di innovativi sistemi di assistenza alla guida.
Giovanni Savino da maggio 2020 è Professore Associato presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università degli Studi di Firenze.

Link to personal CV pages https://www.linkedin.com/in/gioptw/
Research interests Motorcycle safety
Vehicle dynamics
Active safety systems
Riding simulators
Rider behaviour
Awards & Affiliations Member of AIAS (Associazione Italiana per l’Analisi delle Sollecitazioni) since 2015
Research Associate at the Monash University Accident Research Center, Melbourne, Australia, since 2015
Member of IEEE (2016)
Member of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine AAAM (2016)
MEMBER of the Australasian College for Road Safety since 2016
Email giovanni.savino@unifi.it
Tel. Number
Mobile number
+39 055 27 58 695