Francesco Del Pero
Senior Research Specialist
Name, Surname | Francesco Del Pero |
Occupation | Senior Research Specialist |
Education | PhD in Industrial Engineering, , Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence MSc in Mechanical Engineering, ,Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence BSc in Mechanical Engineering, ,Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence |
Biography | [ENG]
The main interests of Francesco Del Pero are focused on eco-design and industrial sustainability. His studies deal with three main research areas: – Eco-design of industrial products and processes (DfX, design for disassembly, design for recovery, design for End-of-Life, design for reliability); He worked within various National and European research projects [ITA] I principali interessi di ricerca di Francesco Del Pero sono focalizzati nella progettazione eco-sostenibile e nella sostenibilità della produzione industriale. Gli studi riguardano tre principali aree di ricerca: – Progettazione eco-sostenibile di prodotti e processi (DfX, design for disassembly, design for recovery, design for End-of-Life, design for reliability); Ha preso parte a numerosi progetti e convenzioni di ricerca nazionali ed internazionali. |
Link to personal CV pages | |
Research interests | Eco-design Sustainability of products and processes Life Cycle Assessment within the industrial field Modelling and simulation of road vehicles |
Awards & Affiliations | Member of AIAS (Associazione Italiana per l’Analisi delle Sollecitazioni) | | |
Tel. Number Mobile number |
+39 055 27 58 769 +39 338 86 93 122 |