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Daniele Barbani

Senior Research Specialist

Name, Surname Daniele Barbani
Occupation Senior Research Specialist
Education PhD in Machine Design, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence
MSc in Mechanical Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence
BSc in Mechanical Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence
Biography [ENG]

Daniele Barbani graduated in Mechanical Engineering (MSc) at the University of Florence in 2008 and in 2012 he defended the PhD thesis. His research was mainly focused on the analysis and development of integrated passive safety systems for motorcycle. Since 2012, he is a research fellow at the University of Florence. He has been involved in activities concerning passive safety in motorcycle accidents, mainly focusing on the realization of complex and detailed virtual scenarios in order to research new solutions for rider protection, as well as to assess vehicle crashworthiness.


Daniele Barbani si è laureato in Ingegneria Meccanica (Specialistica) presso l’Università di Firenze nel 2008 e nel 2012 ha conseguito il Dottorato di Ricerca.
Il suo campo di ricerca riguarda principalmente l’analisi e lo sviluppo di sistemi integrati di sicurezza passiva per moto. Dal 2012 è assegnista di ricerca presso l’Università di Firenze. È stato coinvolto in attività riguardanti la sicurezza passiva negli incidenti motociclistici, concentrandosi principalmente sulla realizzazione di scenari virtuali complessi e dettagliati al fine di ricercare nuove soluzioni per la protezione del pilota, nonché per valutare la capacità del veicolo nel proteggere i propri occupanti.

Link to personal CV pages https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielebarbani
Research interests Passive safety
Awards & Affiliations Marie Curie Fellowship award, 2012, as part of the EU-funded VECOM (Vehicle Concept Modeling)
Email daniele.barbani@unifi.it
Tel. Number
Mobile number
+39 055 27 58 697