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Andrea Bracali

PhD Candidate in Industrial Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence

Name, Surname Andrea Bracali
Occupation PhD Candidate in Industrial Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence
Education MSc in Mechanical Engineering, , Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence
BSc in Mechanical Engineering, , Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence
Biography [ENG]

Andrea Bracali graduated in Mechanical Engineering
with honours in 2018. He is currently in the final year
of his doctoral program at the University of Florence.
He was involved in the European project PIONEERS,
working on the modelling and development of motorcyclists’ leg protectors. He is currently involved in the DropTeMa project with the aim to design a drop test machine. Current activities also include:
– Development of an artificial intelligence module, integrated into a helmet, able to estimate the head acceleration during an impact,
– Twin modelling of helmet and sensors attached on it,
– Strain rate prediction in key brain tracts from many helmeted head impacts (Visiting Student at Imperial College of London).


Andrea Bracali si è laureato in Ingegneria Meccanica
con voto 110/110 (con lode) nel 2018. Attualmente sta
svolgendo l’ultimo anno di dottorato presso
l’Università degli Studi di Firenze. Ha partecipato al
progetto europeo PIONEERS, lavorando alla
modellazione e sviluppo di protettori per le gambe dei motociclisti.
Attualmente sta partecipando al progetto DropTeMa con l’obiettivo di progettare un macchinario per svolgere drop test. Altre attività includono:
– Sviluppo di un modulo di intelligenza artificiale, integrato ad un casco, capace di stimare l’accelerazione della testa durante un impatto,
– Sviluppo di un modello di casco con sensori attaccato su di esso in ambiente virtuale
– Previsione del tasso di deformazione nei tratti cerebrali chiave utilizzando diversi impatti di una testa equipaggiata con casco (Visiting Student at Imperial College of London)

Link to personal CV pages https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrea-bracali-553201167
Research interests Finite element modelling
Artificial Intelligence
Passive safety
Protective devices
Awards & Affiliations /
Email andrea.bracali@unifi.it
Tel. Number
Mobile number