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Alessandro Giraldi

PhD Student

Name, Surname Alessandro Giraldi
Occupation PhD Candidate, Univerity of Florence
Education MSc in Mechanical Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence
BSc in Mechanical Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence
Biography [ENG]

Alessandro Giraldi is a PhD student in the field of industrial engineering. His research activity focuses on environmental sustainability issues. He took part in the TRIM (Technology and Industrial Research for Marine Mobility) project where two alternative superstructures for yachts (designed by the Azimut-Benetti Group) were evaluated in terms of their impacts on the environment. He is currently involved in developing models to assess the environmental impact of turbomachinery over its life cycle


Alessandro Giraldi è uno studente di dottorato nel settore dell’ingegneria industriale. La sua attività di ricerca si concentra sulle tematiche di sostenibilità ambientale. Ha preso parte al progetto TRIM (Tecnologia e Ricerca industriale per la mobilità marina) dove sono state valutate due sovrastrutture alternative per yacht (progettate dal Gruppo Azimut-Benetti) in termini di impatti sull’ambiente. Attualmente si occupa di sviluppare modelli per valutare l’impatto ambientale di turbomacchine nell’arco del loro ciclo vita.

Link to personal CV pages https://www.linkedin.com/in/alessandro-giraldi-928090206/
Research interests Eco-design
Sustainability of products and processes
Life Cycle Assessment within the industrial fieldProcess Modelling
Awards & Affiliations /
Email alessandro.giraldi@unifi.it
Tel. Number
Mobile number
+39 3332773878