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Alessandro Giacomelli

Research Engineer

Name, Surname Alessandro Giacomelli
Occupation Research Engineer
Education MSc in Mechanical Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence
BSc in Mechanical Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence
Biography [ENG]

Alessandro Giacomelli graduated in Mechanical Engineering with honours and academic distinction in 2020. During the MSc thesis internship in Leuven (BE), he worked for Siemens Digital Industries Software on updating and validation of a full vehicle model to be run on a driving simulator.
During his research fellowship at MOVING lab, he was involved in the project “D.s.m.U. Anas Dispositivo Salva Motociclista Universale Anas” dealing with the modelling and the development of motorcylist safety barrier devices with smart materials.


Alessandro Giacomelli si è laureato in Ingegneria Meccanica con voto 110/110 (con lode e menzione accademica) nel 2020. Coinvolto nel progetto di ricerca “D.s.m.U. Anas Dispositivo Salva Motociclista Universale Anas”, il suo lavoro ha riguardato la modellazione e lo sviluppo di dispositivi salva motociclisti con materiali innovativi.

Link to personal CV pages https://www.linkedin.com/in/alessandro-giacomelli-295683171/ 
Research interests Powered Two-Wheelers
Passive Safety
FEM analysis
Awards & Affiliations /
Email Alessandro.giacomelli@unifi.it
Tel. Number
Mobile number